Conférences invitées
- Bacchin Patrice, «Phase transition and critical flux during membrane filtration : from dispersion properties to fouling reversibility », Gordon Research Conferences MEMBRANES: MATERIALS & PROCESSES (2006-08-08) New London, NH États-Unis d'Amérique
Bacchin Patrice, «Principes de base des Technologies à Membranes », 2ème Ecole d’Eté Franco-Maghrébine« Sciences et Technologies à Membranes » (2005-09-22) Monastir Tunisie
Bacchin P, Dufresne M, Adrianus GN, Remigy JC, Aimar P, Legallais C, Hepatocyte cell growth on PSU membrane materials with double porosity, (ESAO), XXXVI European Society for Artificial Organs Congress, Compiègne 2-5/09/09 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS, 32, 7, 2009
- Maniero Ricardo, Climent Eric, Bacchin P., Preferential adhesion of micro-particles onto a filtration membrane under turbulent flow conditions . In: 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2009, Montreal, Canada.
Bacchin Patrice, Marty Aurélie, Lin Jie, Duru Paul, Bourrier David, Dilhan Monique, Meireles Martine, "Observation of the clogging of PDMS micro-separators by micrometric particles ", Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Microfluidics - Microfluidics 2008 - Bologna, December 10-12, 2008
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, Fletcher David, «Numerical simulation of dead end filtration: role of hollow fibber configuration on the deposit formation », IWA Particle Separation (2007-07-09) Toulouse France
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, «Simulation de l’ultrafiltration de dispersions colloïdales », SFGP (2007-10-09) Saint Etienne France
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «From critical phase transition to critical flux via critical osmotic pressure and critical Peclet number», Fouling and Critical Flux 2004 (2004-06-16) Lappeenranta Finlande

- Bessiere Yolaine, Abidine Nouhad, Bacchin Patrice, «Evaluation du colmatage de fibres creuses en mode frontal : détermination des conditions critiques pour un fonctionnement durable », SFGP (2005-09-20) Toulouse France
- Bacchin Patrice, Meireles Martine, Aimar Pierre, «Phénomène de transfert dans une dispersion colloïdale : application à l’étude de la compaction d’un dépôt », Colloque ACI (2003) Boussens, France
- Aimar Pierre, Harmant Philippe, Bacchin Patrice, «Critical flux in ultrafiltration of colloidal suspensions», IMSTEC International Membrane science and Technology Conference (1999-11-12) Sydney Australie
- Bacchin Patrice, Howell John, Field Robert, Aimar Pierre, Sanchez Victor, «Colloidal fouling : a comparaison between clays and yeasts ultrafiltration», Euromembrane (1995-09-29) Bath Royaume-Uni
Communications sans actes
Philippe Moulin Quentin Derekx Damien Veyret Karl Glucina Patrice Bacchin, Simulation du transport de particules dans la structure poreuse d’une membrane de filtration, 19ième congrés Français de Mécanique, 24-28-08-2009, Marseille
Quentin DEREKX, Damien VEYRET, Karl GLUCINA, Patrice BACCHIN, Philippe MOULIN Simulation du transport de particules d'une membrane de filtration (N° 292), 14-16 Octobre 2009, SFGP, Marseille
Julie MENDRET, Patrice BACCHIN, Jean-Christophe REMIGY, Modelling of membrane formation by a phase inversion process (N° 557), 14-16 Octobre 2009, SFGP, Marseille
Q. Derekx, D. Veyret, K. Glucina, P. Bacchin, P. Moulin, Simulation of membrane filtration at microscopic scale, Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, 6-10 /09/09
J. Mendret, P. Bacchin, J-C. Remigy, In situ characterisation of membrane formation by phase inversion, Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, 6-10 /09/09
Y. El Rayess, C. Albasi, P. Bacchin, P. Taillandier, J. Raynal, M. Mietton-Peuchot, A. Devatine, Membrane fouling during wine microfiltration, Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, 6-10 /09/09
- Bacchin Patrice, Combacau Marylène, Bonino Jean-Pierre, Martin François, Vaillant Stephane, Ferret Jocelyne, «Procédés de co-dépôt électrochimique de particules de talc dans une matrice métallique : de la formulation de dispersions à l’élaboration de revêtements lubrifiants», SFGP (2005-09-20) Toulouse France
- Bacchin Patrice, Espinasse Benjamin, Bessiere Yolaine, Fletcher David, Aimar Pierre, «Numerical simulation of colloidal dispersion filtration. Description of critical flux and comparison with experimental results », ICOM (2005-08-21) Séoul, République de Corée
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, Abidine Nouhad, «Fouling tests to define critical conditions in dead end membrane processes: towards sustainable operating conditions», Membranes in drinking and industrial water production (2004-11-15) L'aquila Italie
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, «Dead-end filtration: experimental evidence for a critical filtered volume», Fouling and Critical Flux 2004 (2004-06-16) Lappeeranta Finlande
- Bonino Jean-Pierre, Bares Pierre, Bacchin Patrice, Ferret Jocelyne, Vaillant Stephane, Martin François, Alexis Joël, «Un procédé conventionnel pour de nouveaux matériaux :les revêtements composites métal / particules», SURFAIR 2004 (2004-06-08) Toulouse France
- Bonino Jean-Pierre, Vaillant Stephane, Martin François, Bacchin Patrice, Alexis Joël, «Composite Coatings with Talc Particles», Vth International Colloquium on Chromium Plating (2004-05-24) Saint-etienne France
- P. Bacchin « Critical fouling conditions induced by colloidal surface interaction : from causes to consequences », From critical to sustainable flux Workshop (2003-09-14), Oxford, UK

- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «How can we make use of the osmotic pressure for colloidal suspension in modeling processes ? », North American Membrane Society NAMS 2003 (2003-05-19) Jackson Hole, WY États-Unis d'Amérique

- Si-Hassen Djaffar, Clifton Michael, Starov Victor, Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «Ultrafiltration of colloidal dispersions : A theoretical model of the concentration polarization phenomena», ICOM 99 (1999-06-12) Toronto Canada
- Bacchin Patrice, Meireles Martine, Vayssieres Pascale, Yves Pommier Jean, «Ultrafiltration de moûts de fermentation : variabilité induite par la physico-chimique du milieu», 6ième congrés français de génie des procédés (1997-09-24) Paris France
- Meireles Martine, Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, Vayssieres Pascale, Yves Pommier Jean, «Cross flow filtration of fermentation broth : variations induced by physico-chemical modifications of the media», ECCE1 (1997-05-04) Florence Italie
- Aimar Pierre, Bacchin Patrice, Harmant Philippe, «Role of colloidal interactions in cross flow filtration», International workshop on colloidal processes in the environment (1996-11-29) Aix en provence France
- Bacchin Patrice, Causserand Christel, Meireles Martine, Aimar Pierre, «Effects of surface interactions on the kinetics of colloidal membrane fouling», AIChE 1994 Spring National Meeting (1993-04-17) Atlanta États-Unis d'Amérique
- Bacchin Patrice, Le Lann Jean Marc, «Simulation statique et dynamique d'une unité de traitement biologiques des eaux : nitrification, dénitrification», European Symposium on Computer Aided in Process Engineering (1992-05-24) Elsinore Danemark
- Bacchin Patrice, Meireles Martine, Aimar Pierre, Sanchez Victor, «Effects of electrolytes on ultrafiltration of colloidal suspension», International Congress on Membranes and Membrane processes (1992-08-31) Heidelberg Allemagne
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, "Concentrated phases of colloids or nanoparticles: Solid pressure and dynamics of concentration processes", chapter in the book : Nano-science:colloidal background, V. Starov, CRC Press, 2010
- Wenqian Shan, Patrice Bacchin, Pierre Aimar, Merlin L. Bruening, Volodymyr V. Tarabara, "Polyelectrolyte multilayer films as backflushable nanofiltration membranes with tunable hydrophilicity and surface charge", Journal of Membrane Science, 349, 1-2, (2010), 268-278
- Y. Bessiere, B. Jefferson, E. Goslan, P. Bacchin, "Effect of hydrophilic/hydrophobic fractions of natural organic matter on irreversible fouling of membranes", Desalination, 249, 1, (2009), 182-187
- Bessiere Yolaine, Fletcher David, Bacchin Patrice, «Numerical simulation of colloid dead-end filtration: effect of membrane characteristics and operating conditions on matter accumulation», Journal of Membrane Science, 313 1-2 (2008) 52-59 10.1016/j.memsci.2007.12.064
- Espinasse Benjamin, Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «Filtration method characterizing the reversibility of colloidal fouling layers at a membrane surface: analysis through critical flux and osmotic pressure», Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 320 2 (2008) 483-490 10.1016/j.jcis.2008.01.023
- Adoue Mathieu, Bacchin Patrice, Lorthois Sylvie, Combes Didier, Schmitz Philippe, Mercier-Bonin Muriel, «Experimental Methodology for Analysing Macromolecular Interactions in the Context of Marine Bacterial Adhesion to Stainless Steel», Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 85 A6 (2007) 792-799 10.1205/cherd06067
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, «Simulation de la filtration frontale de suspensions colloïdales», Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 96 (2007) 1-8
- Castillo S., Cienfuegos R.F., Fontaine M.L., Lenormand P., Bacchin Patrice, Ansart F., «Influence of the processing parameters of slurries for the deposit of nickelate thick films», Materials Research Bulletin, 42 12 (2007) 2125-2131 10.1016/j.materresbull.2007.01.011
- Bacchin Patrice, Bonino Jean-Pierre, Martin François, Combacau Marylène, Barthes Patrick, Petit Sabine, Ferret Jocelyne, «Surface pre-coating of talc particles by carboxyl methyl cellulose adsorption: Study of adsorption and consequences on surface properties and settling rate», Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 272 3 (2006) 211-219 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2005.07.026
- Bacchin Patrice, Espinasse Benjamin, Bessiere Yolaine, Fletcher David, Aimar Pierre, «Numerical simulation of colloidal dispersion filtration: description of critical flux and comparison with experimental results», Desalination, 192 1-3 (2006) 74-81 10.1016/j.desal.2005.05.028
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, Field Robert, «Critical and sustainable fluxes: theory, experiments and applications», Journal of Membrane Science, 281 1-2 (2006) 42-69 10.1016/j.memsci.2006.04.014
- Bacchin Patrice, «Génie des interactions physico chimiques : Applications à la transformation de la matière molle», Habilitation à diriger des recherches de l’Université Paul Sabatier (2006)
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, Jefferson Bruce, «Dead-end filtration of natural organic matter: experimental evidence of critical conditions», Desalination, 175 1 (2005) 29-36 10.1016/j.desal.2004.09.021
- Bacchin Patrice, Espinasse Benjamin, Aimar Pierre, «Distributions of critical flux: modelling, experimental analysis and consequences for cross-flow membrane filtration», Journal of Membrane Science, 250 1-2 (2005) 223-234 10.1016/j.memsci.2004.10.033
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «Critical fouling conditions induced by colloidal surface interaction: from causes to consequences», Desalination, 175 1 (2005) 21-27 10.1016/j.desal.2004.09.020
- Bessiere Yolaine, Bacchin Patrice, Abidine Nouhad, «Evaluation du colmatage de fibres creuses en mode frontal : détermination des conditions critiques pour un fonctionnement durable», Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, B7 92 (2005) 1-8
- Bessiere Yolaine, Abidine Nouhad, Bacchin Patrice, «Low fouling conditions in dead-end filtration: Evidence for a critical filtered volume and interpretation using critical osmotic pressure», Journal of Membrane Science, 264 1-2 (2005) 37-47 10.1016/j.memsci.2005.04.018
- Trompette Jean Luc, Clifton Michael, Bacchin Patrice, «Ion-specific repulsive interactions in colloidal silica dispersions evidenced through osmotic compression measurements and implication in frontal ultrafiltration experiments», Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 290 (2005) 455-461 10.1016/j.jcis.2005.04.081
- Bacchin Patrice, «A possible link between critical and limiting flux for colloidal systems: consideration of critical deposit formation along a membrane», Journal of Membrane Science, 228 2 (2004) 237-241 10.1016/j.memsci.2003.10.012
- Espinasse Benjamin, Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, «Détermination du flux critique : un outil pour la maîtrise du colmatage ?», Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 89 (2003) 483-490
- Meireles Martine, Lavoute Elodie, Bacchin Patrice, «Filtration of a bacterial fermentation broth: harvest conditions effects on cake hydraulic resistance», Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 25 5 (2003) 309-314 10.1007/s00449-002-0310-0
- Bacchin Patrice, Si-Hassen Djaffar, Starov Victor, Clifton Michael, Aimar Pierre, «A unifying model for concentration polarization, gel-layer formation and particle deposition in cross-flow membrane filtration of colloidal suspensions», Chemical Engineering Science, 57 1 (2002) 77-91 10.1016/S0009-2509(01)00316-5
- Bacchin Patrice, Meireles Martine, Aimar Pierre, «Modelling of filtration: from the polarised layer to deposit formation and compaction», Desalination, 145 (2002) 139-146 10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00399-5
- Espinasse Benjamin, Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, « On an experimental method to measure critical flux in ultrafiltration», Desalination, 146 1-3 (2002) 91-96 10.1016/S0011-9164(02)00495-2
- Bacchin Patrice, Bergel Alain, Biscans Beatrice, Floquet Patrick, Wilhelm Anne-Marie, Joulia Xavier, «Génie des procédés : Discipline des interactions et interaction de disciplines», Entropie, 35 216 (1999) 61-66
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, Sanchez Victor, «Influence of interaction on transfer mechanisms occuring during colloid ultrafiltration», Journal of Membrane Science, 115 1 (1996) 49-63 10.1016/0376-7388(95)00279-0
- Bacchin Patrice, Aimar Pierre, Sanchez Victor, «Model for colloidal fouling of membrane», AIChE Journal, 41 2 (1995) 368-376 10.1002/aic.690410218
- Bacchin Patrice, "Formation et résistance au transfert d’un dépôt de colloïdes sur une membrane d’ultrafiltration" Thèse de l’Université Paul Sabatier (1994)
- Yolaine Bessiere, Filtration frontale sur membrane : mise en évidence du volume filtré critique pour l'anticipation et le contrôle du colmatage, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III (27/10/2005)